Where Have I Been?

You may have noticed that the blog has been quiet for a few weeks and there has not been a new episode of Chinn Chats for three weeks. (You may not have noticed, but that's not the point.) But why??

Two weeks ago I was working 16 hour days for a high school summer camp. By the time Friday came the blog and podcast were all I wanted to do, believe me, but I simply did not have the hours in the day to do them, and as this is a hobby it seemed wise to let this go and focus on my real job.

Last week, my wonderful parents moved into a new house, and as I am young, spry, and remarkably strong, I thought I would do my due diligence and assist them. As they reminded me repeatedly, they helped me move from Wisconsin to Colorado, from Pasadena to Los Angeles, from Michigan to Indiana, and out of my old apartment in Indiana into my house. So, I truly did owe them at least one assist. Again, due to the intense out-of-town week, the podcast and blog fell aside. 

So what about this week? What's my excuse now? I am going to be gone for two more weeks so I made the choice to maintain the hiatus this week. I recognize that there are significant risks in audience building when you put out two episodes and then take a five week hiatus. However, I am not here to build an audience. This platform of blog and podcast is simply an outlet for myself. 

"You mentioned you were going to be gone for two more weeks. Where are you going to be?" I am so glad you asked! I am going on a road trip! My best friend and I are going to spend two weeks in a '98 Buick Regal traveling roughly 5500 miles. It is my goal to document this trip and post about our adventures here, and on my social media platforms, and MAYBE if you are lucky there will be a special edition of Chinn Chats from the road.

For now, thanks for being a loyal fan despite my summer flakiness! I assure you, your patience will pay off and there will be consistency to publication very soon.

#3 With Tyler Shirley

#2 With Troy Quinn